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chemicha edited this page Mar 22, 2016 · 22 revisions

#Welcome to the SpectraFox Wiki!

This wiki is the manual for the scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and spectroscopy (SPS) data analysis and management tool SpectraFox.

SpectraFox is a free, manufacturer independent open source software. Its aim is to accompany the researcher during data acquisition as a data management tool, and to simplify the evaluation afterwards. It bundles many often needed data treatment procedures, which can be applied in parallel to a batch of measurement data. SpectraFox contains a powerful non-linear fit engine, which allows to lock parameters together, and supports coupled fits between two independent data sets. The visualization tools range from simple one- and two-dimensional plots of spectroscopy data and topography images to complex spectral intensity maps, which help the sophisticated researcher to discover more details in his or her data.

This manual will start with a short introduction of how to install and launch SpectraFox. Afterwards each window will have its own short tutorial. This will cover the basic functionalities, and teach you how to use them. Also the physical backgrounds of important features will be sketched briefly.

Please feel free to contribute to this wiki.


  1. System Requirements and SPM manufacturer compatibility
  2. Download and Setup
  3. First Start of SpectraFox
  4. Automatic Software Update

Main Windows

  1. Main Window - program settings and window management
  2. Folder Browser - project folder selection
  3. Data Browser - browse through measurement data, apply data treatment procedures
  4. Spectroscopy Data Viewer - shows details of a single measurement file, allows data point extraction
  5. Topography Data Viewer - shows details of a single topography image
  6. Data Export - exports measurement data to third party file formats, e.g. for Origin or Mathematica compatibility

Data Treatment Procedures

In the following you find all data treatment procedures that are accessible from the Data Browser after loading a batch of measurement files.

  1. Data Manipulation Procedures: provides tools to change data in a direct way

  1. Numeric Manipulation Procedures: provides tools that are suited for further data evaluation

  1. atomic force microscopy tools: provides tools that are suited for atomic force microscopy experiments

  1. Visualization Tools: provides tools for data visualization

  1. Non-linear Data Fitting: provides non-linear fit procedures of single or multiple models to measurement data

  1. Special Tools: specialized tools, that are not limited to the selection of items in the list

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